Family Musical Instruments; bells, chimes, maracas,harmonicas and tambourines

Perfect gifts for nieces, nephews and grandchildren!

These instruments are easy to learn, fun to play,

and a great method to bring the family together.

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"This unique assortment of traditional yet innovative instruments from around the world can all be played and enjoyed without extensive training or practice"
Garry Kvistad

Click on a picture to get a larger view.



Many More Perfect gifts for nieces, nephews and grandchildren!

Kalideascope 7" long $9.75



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Our regular business hours: 10am to 4pm (Iowa central standard time) Monday - Saturday

When ordering, call toll free Kann Imports: 800-252-2072

528 S River Park Drive, Box 730

Guttenberg Iowa 52052 U.S.A.

Prices are subject to change without notice.