Collection of American Bird Figures
Bluebird, hummingbird, oriole, cedar waxwing and even a bluejay!
Click on a picture to see the figure larger
Purple Finch on Lilac 4.5"tall $27.50 |
Bluebird perched on wooden wheel "Country Living" (1719) 5.5"tall $40 |
American Robin 6" tall $37.50 |
Mother Robin with Baby 4.5" $27.50 |
Kann Imports 528 S River Park Dr Box 730 Guttenberg IA 52052 U.S.A. |
Call us toll free: 800-252-2072 |
Our regular business hours: 10am to 4pm (Iowa central standard time) Monday - Saturday
When ordering, call toll free Kann Imports: 800-252-2072
528 S River Park Drive, Box 730
Guttenberg Iowa 52052 U.S.A.
Prices are subject to change without notice.